EPC521 – Website Portfolio (Video)

|| Self-promotional Video ||

Design and develop a 1 minute “Self-promotional” video to promote yourself professionally. The self-promotional video should have a theme or concept about yourself that you want to promote. The theme can comprise several segments and the segments must be coherently designed and developed.

|| Business Video Advertisement (MIPv1) ||

The second video production is to promote a new company or business. You may include these items in your video advertisement: business services, operation hours, relevant visuals, service/product packages etc. Develop a 1-minute video production that can promote this business so that it will become attractive to potential visitors, clients and/or customers. You may invent necessary or appropriate content.

You are to develop and complete the assignment using any appropriate video editing software (Filmora, Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe After Effects etc) and host the video on your website. The video production must incorporate relevant video editing skills and techniques

Next, you have to incorporate your produced videos into your web pages, viewable publicly. Apply and include all multimedia elements where possible incorporating other computer applications such as Adobe Photoshop and others.

NOTE: Your work is due on Week 8 (or to be announced…) of the semester. Host them on your website portfolio